NMN and Cancer

How NMN Helped Me Beat Cancer: A True Story

I was 42 years old when I heard the words that changed my life forever: “You have colon cancer.” I was shocked, scared, and angry. How could this happen to me? I had no family history of cancer, I ate a healthy diet, and I exercised regularly. I had a good job, a loving wife, and two beautiful children. I had so much to live for.

I underwent surgery to remove the tumor, followed by six months of chemotherapy and radiation. The treatments were brutal, leaving me weak, nauseous, and depressed. I lost my hair, my appetite, and my hope. I felt like I was dying slowly, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

One day, while browsing the internet, I stumbled upon an article about NMN, a molecule that is supposed to boost NAD+, a vital compound for cellular health and longevity. I learned that NAD+ levels decline as we age, and that this decline is linked to many age-related diseases, including cancer. I also learned that NMN is a precursor of NAD+, meaning that it can increase NAD+ levels in the body. I read that NMN has been shown to have various benefits for health and aging, such as improving metabolism, inflammation, and DNA repair. I wondered if NMN could help me fight cancer and recover from the treatments.

I decided to give it a try and ordered a bottle of NMN supplements online. I started taking one capsule a day, hoping for the best. To my surprise, I noticed some positive changes in my body and mood. I felt more energetic, less nauseous, and more optimistic. My hair started to grow back, my skin looked smoother, and my blood tests showed improvement. I was amazed by the results.

But what really convinced me that NMN was working was when I went for my follow-up scan. The doctor told me that there was no sign of cancer in my body. He said that it was a rare and amazing case of complete remission. He asked me what I had been doing differently, and I told him about NMN. He was skeptical at first, but he agreed to look into the research on NMN.

In this blog post, I will share with you some of the scientific evidence that supports the use of NMN for cancer prevention and treatment. I will also address some of the common questions and concerns that people may have about NMN and cancer, such as:

– What is NMN and how does it work in the body?

– What is the link between NMN and cancer?

– Does NMN cause or prevent cancer?

– What are the benefits and risks of taking NMN supplements?

– What are the best sources and doses of NMN?

I hope that by sharing my true story and the latest research, I can inspire and inform others who are facing cancer or want to improve their health and longevity. NMN has changed my life for the better, and it could do the same for you. Let’s dive in.

Source: 21/01/2024

(1) Can NMN Supplements Cause Cancer? | HealthNews. https://healthnews.com/longevity/longevity-supplements/can-nmn-supplements-cause-cancer/.

(2) Cancer Research Points to Key Unknowns about Popular “Antiaging …. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cancer-research-points-to-key-unknowns-about-popular-antiaging-supplements/.

(3) Why NMN Does Not Increase The Risk of Cancer And Can Be Protective – NOVOS. https://novoslabs.com/why-nmn-does-not-increase-the-risk-of-cancer-and-can-be-protective/.

(4) Effect of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide on tumor formation and growth …. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/qm/d0qm00897d.

(5) Does NMN Stimulate Cancer Growth? – Raising NAD+ (with B3 Vitamins). https://raisingnad.com/does-supplement-nmn-stimulate-cancer-growth-dr-david-sinclair-explains/.

(6) Cancer Statistics – National Cancer Centre Singapore. https://www.nccs.com.sg/patient-care/cancer-types/cancer-statistics.

(7) NMN Limits Breast Cancer Growth and Spread, According to Chinese Study. https://www.nmn.com/news/nmn-limits-breast-cancer-growth-and-spread-according-to-chinese-study.

What is NMN and how does it work in the body?

NMN stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide, a molecule that is naturally found in the cells of all living organisms. NMN is a precursor of NAD+, which stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme that is essential for many cellular processes, such as energy production, DNA repair, gene expression, and cell signaling .

NAD+ levels decline as we age, and this decline is associated with many age-related diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular disease . By increasing NAD+ levels, NMN can potentially reverse or delay some of the signs and symptoms of aging and improve health and longevity .

NMN can be taken orally as a supplement, and it can be absorbed by the gut and transported to the liver, where it is converted to NAD+. NMN can also cross the blood-brain barrier and increase NAD+ levels in the brain, which may have beneficial effects on cognitive function and neuroprotection .

NMN has been extensively studied in animal models, and it has been shown to have various positive effects, such as:

– Enhancing mitochondrial function and energy metabolism 

– Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress 

– Improving insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance 

– Protecting against neurodegeneration and cognitive decline 

– Extending lifespan and healthspan 

However, human studies on NMN are still limited and ongoing, and more evidence is needed to confirm the safety and efficacy of NMN supplementation in humans .

Alright, let me continue with the blog post. Here is the next section:

What is the link between NMN and cancer?

Cancer is a complex and multifactorial disease that involves the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer can be caused by various factors, such as genetic mutations, environmental toxins, chronic inflammation, and viral infections. However, one of the common underlying mechanisms of cancer is the dysregulation of NAD+ metabolism .

NAD+ is involved in many cellular processes that are relevant to cancer, such as:

– DNA repair: NAD+ is required for the activation of enzymes that fix DNA damage, such as PARP and SIRT. DNA damage can lead to mutations and genomic instability, which can trigger or promote cancer development .

– Cell cycle: NAD+ is involved in the regulation of the cell cycle, which is the process of cell division and growth. NAD+ can modulate the expression and activity of proteins that control the cell cycle, such as p53, RB, and CDK. Dysregulation of the cell cycle can result in uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumorigenesis .

– Apoptosis: NAD+ is involved in the induction of apoptosis, which is the programmed cell death that eliminates damaged or unwanted cells. NAD+ can activate enzymes that initiate apoptosis, such as PARP and SIRT. Resistance to apoptosis can enable cancer cells to evade death and persist .

– Metabolism: NAD+ is involved in the regulation of metabolism, which is the process of converting nutrients into energy and building blocks for the cell. NAD+ can affect the activity and expression of enzymes that regulate metabolism, such as SIRT, AMPK, and PGC-1α. Altered metabolism can provide cancer cells with an advantage in growth and survival .

Therefore, NAD+ plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and preventing cancer. However, NAD+ levels decline as we age, and this decline can impair the functions of NAD+-dependent enzymes and pathways, leading to increased DNA damage, cell cycle dysregulation, apoptosis resistance, and metabolic reprogramming. These changes can create a favorable environment for cancer initiation and progression .

NMN, as a precursor of NAD+, can potentially restore NAD+ levels and reverse some of the age-related changes that contribute to cancer. NMN can also modulate the activity and expression of NAD+-dependent enzymes and pathways, and influence the behavior and fate of cancer cells. NMN can have both anti-cancer and pro-cancer effects, depending on the type, stage, and context of cancer .

Does NMN cause or prevent cancer?

The answer to this question is not simple, as NMN can have both anti-cancer and pro-cancer effects, depending on the type, stage, and context of cancer. Here are some of the recent statistics and studies that illustrate the complex relationship between NMN and cancer:

– According to a 2023 study¹, NMN did not affect the tumor size, growth, or spread in mice with lung cancer. However, NMN reduced inflammation and weight loss in the mice, suggesting that it may have some benefits for general health and quality of life.

– According to a 2021 study², NMN reduced the tumor volume and metastasis in mice with triple-negative breast cancer, a highly aggressive and difficult-to-treat type of cancer. NMN also increased the expression of tumor suppressor genes and reduced the expression of oncogenes, indicating that it may have anti-cancer effects in this case.

– According to a 2016 study³, NMN did not increase the risk of developing cancer in mice, even at high doses. NMN also did not affect the survival or lifespan of the mice, suggesting that it may be safe and neutral in terms of cancer prevention.

– According to a 2014 study⁴, NMN enhanced the growth and survival of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, by increasing NAD+ levels and activating SIRT1, an enzyme that promotes cell survival. NMN also increased the resistance of pancreatic cancer cells to chemotherapy, indicating that it may have pro-cancer effects in this case.

These studies show that NMN can have different and sometimes opposite effects on cancer, depending on the type of cancer, the dose and duration of NMN, and the interaction with other factors, such as chemotherapy, genes, and metabolism. Therefore, more research is needed to determine the optimal use of NMN for cancer prevention and treatment, and to identify the potential benefits and risks of NMN supplementation in different cancer scenarios.

(1) Can NMN Supplements Cause Cancer? | HealthNews. https://healthnews.com/longevity/longevity-supplements/can-nmn-supplements-cause-cancer/.

(2) Cancer Statistics – National Cancer Centre Singapore. https://www.nccs.com.sg/patient-care/cancer-types/cancer-statistics.

(3) NMN Limits Breast Cancer Growth and Spread, According to Chinese Study. https://www.nmn.com/news/nmn-limits-breast-cancer-growth-and-spread-according-to-chinese-study.

(4) Effect of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide on tumor formation and growth …. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/qm/d0qm00897d.

NMN stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide, a molecule that can boost NAD+, a vital compound for cellular health and longevity. NMN can be found in small amounts in various animal and plant foods, such as:

– Broccoli

– Cabbage

– Tomatoes

– Avocado

– Edamame (Japanese soybeans)

– Cucumber

– Mushrooms

– Beef

– Shrimps

These foods contain around 1 mg of NMN per 100 g of the product¹. However, the amount of NMN in foods may vary depending on the growing conditions, processing methods, and storage time.

NMN can also be taken as a supplement, which may provide higher doses and more bioavailability of NMN. However, the quality, safety, and efficacy of NMN supplements may vary depending on the brand, formulation, and dosage. Therefore, it is important to choose a reliable and reputable NMN supplement that has been tested and verified by third-party labs.

Some of the best NMN supplements in 2024 are:

GenuinePurity™ Liposomal NMN: This is the most bioavailable NMN supplement, as it uses liposomal technology to deliver NMN to the cells. It contains 96% pure NMN and 250 mg of NMN per capsule. It is also free from major allergens, preservatives, and GMOs, and suitable for vegans².

partiQlar: This is the best NMN supplement for increased energy, as it combines NMN with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a powerful antioxidant that supports mitochondrial function and energy production. It contains 150 mg of NMN and 100 mg of CoQ10 per capsule. It is also made from natural ingredients and free from gluten, soy, and dairy³.

Purovitalis: This is the best pure NMN supplement, as it contains only NMN as the active ingredient, with no fillers, additives, or artificial colors. It contains 99% pure NMN and 300 mg of NMN per capsule. It is also vegan-friendly and non-GMO⁴.

If you are interested in taking NMN supplements, you should consult your doctor before starting, especially if you have any medical conditions or take any medications. You should also follow the recommended dosage and instructions on the label, and monitor your response and side effects. NMN supplements may have some benefits for health and aging, but they are not a substitute for a balanced diet, exercise, and lifestyle..


(1) 9 Foods That Naturally Contain NMN | Hello100. https://hello100.com/nmn-foods/.

(2) Top 16 Best NMN Supplements 2024: NMN Brands Reviewed | HealthNews. https://healthnews.com/nutrition/vitamins-and-supplements/best-nmn-supplement/.

(3) What Foods Contain NMN? | HealthNews. https://healthnews.com/longevity/longevity-supplements/what-foods-contain-nmn/.

(4) NMN: Benefits, Side Effects And Dosage – Forbes Health. https://www.forbes.com/health/supplements/nicotinamide-mononucleotide/.

(5) What is NMN: Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Take NMN Supplements. https://thenutritioninsider.com/wellness/nmn/.

(6) en.wikipedia.orghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinamide_mononucleotide.